➡️ Announcing Correlated's upgraded Hubspot integration
➡️ Announcing Correlated's upgraded Hubspot integration
Tim Geisenheimer
Tim Geisenheimer
Product News

➡️ Announcing Correlated's upgraded Hubspot integration

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One of the most popular integrations for Correlated is with Hubspot. We have many customers using Correlated Scores and Playbooks to push users into Hubspot lists which then enables:

  • Marketing email campaigns in Hubspot
  • Task/Deal creation using Hubspot Workflows
  • Sales cadences via Sales Hub
  • Many more use cases!

One of the biggest asks we would get from customers is the ability to perform a bi-directional sync between Hubspot and Correlated. Our customers wanted their data in Hubspot to be sent to Correlated to help inform Scores and to use as trigger conditions in Playbooks. Today we're excited to release bi-directional sync between Correlated and Hubspot!

With bi-directional sync, you can easily connect Hubspot as well as your product analytics tool like Segment, Amplitude or Mixpanel and in a few minutes start building product led sales playbooks. We're offering a generous free tier so you can start with Correlated on your own today.

Coming soon, we'll be adding additional functionality to our Hubspot integration that allows you to easily update properties, create deals and tasks and more directly within Correlated Playbooks. If you're interested in a guided tour of Correlated and our roadmap with Hubspot, drop us a line!

Interested in learning about how Correlated can help your PLG company uncover expansion and upsell opportunities?

Sales and revenue leaders at PLG companies, like yourself, are faced with unique challenges. Using tools like Correlated can help sales and marketing teams identify new accounts that are ready to convert, or can help to notify your team for expansion and upsell opportunities.

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