How SalesIntel’s sales team converts more trials with customer usage data
How SalesIntel’s sales team converts more trials with customer usage data
Breezy Beaumont
Breezy Beaumont
Product Led Revenue

How SalesIntel’s sales team converts more trials with customer usage data

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Amy Kautz, Account Executive at SalesIntel

Breezy Beaumont, Head of Growth at Correlated

Note: this conversation was originally recorded live and transcribed into this Q&A

Tell me about your role

I'm an account executive on the new business team, so I am hunting, which is a change for me. Prior to this, I was in an expansion role so super fascinated by your product at Correlated.

SalesIntel is a sales intelligence software company. We're the biggest competitor to ZoomInfo but our point of difference is that we provide research on demand and human verified contact data that we can turn back in just a few hours.

Does SalesIntel have a self-serve product?

You can download our chrome extension which is called RevDriver and that will give you 25 free contact reveals a month. Post-sale you get access to the full portal and there's a cloud based login portal, but customers also have full functionality on that same chrome extension.

Our inbound business development reps handle anybody who downloads that chrome extension and they do outreach to try to book a meeting and assign that into our round-robin or to a sales rep if it's already named account. Each sales rep has 100 named accounts, and then we also have an inbound and outbound SDR team booking meetings for us. We're doing that full-cycle top-of-funnel sales, but we're also being fed by the team.

On top of that, we also have a free trial so prospective customers can try the product for themselves.

Does your sales team get product usage reports during free trials?

When I have a prospective client on a free trial, we're being fed a report daily that shows us what activity they're taking when they're in the portal.

The report shows me my individual users, or if there are multiple people involved. It helps me gauge which departments are most interested, so I can figure out which segment of the business is most engaged and then deliver the features most important to them. 

Just to see how they're segmenting the data and how they’re running searches can be useful, and also if they've actually exported the data. This gives me like a lot of questions to ask in my in my recap, of the trial like: 

  • How did you use the contact data you pulled?
  • Did you dial? What was your connection rate on the phone?
  • Did you send an email campaign? what was the deliverability rate? 

Have you been in a sales role where you had access to product usage data prior to SalesIntel?

I worked for Wedding Wire and The Knot and sold digital advertising. Over there, nothing was automated for us, but we had the ability to run reports in salesforce that would show me client inquiries, logins, reviews, and other meaningful engagement on the platform. Those were typically the people that I was reaching out to for expansion, because they clearly love using the product and are getting results from it.

I never could have done my job without the access to that information. I would have just been spinning my wheels because I had 5000+ accounts that I took care of.

How would you define product led revenue?

Product led revenue is finding indicators in behavior that show us that there's more opportunity. Using customer activity and engagement to sell more product(s).

Many companies are already using 3rd party intent, and some layer in 1st party intent, so you can see who's visited your website, but this is even more valuable 1st party intent: being able to reach out based on what they're doing in your product.

Any other thoughts you want to share on the product-led movement?

Cold calling is kind of dead. I sat in this role for six months and I booked one demo through the phone. All of my other demos have been booked based on email outreach, using intent data, and getting in front of them at the right time.

Timing is everything and the more tools and the more data points we have to streamline outreach at that right time, the more successful we will be. The product led movement gives sales teams that ability.

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